Sunday, August 08, 2010

You know you're a nanny when.....

You know you're a nanny when...... have a fairly authoritative, slightly scary "nanny voice" and it can stop everyone around you in their tracks grab into your bag for a pen and pull out a crayon, a half eaten bag of goldfish and some tissues heart soars when a child accomplishes something practiced often but never conquered until now forget the name of the last movie you saw but you can recite every word of the "Cat in the Hat" and can sing all 15 verses with motions to the "Wheels on the Bus" are willing to give up your weekends to go to ballet recitals, baseball games and art shows have never gotten the tax deduction for "your" kids are kid magnet where ever you go love your job especially because of the perks like hugs, days at the pool, naptime and home made valentines have several outfits and perhaps even a car that smells slightly of baby formula, play dough and juice have days when you are a pirate, a ballerina, a dog and an explorer are proud of what you do- even if that means all you did today was get a two year old to take a bite of broccoli have mistakenly asked your friend if she had to use the "potty" are faster than a crawling infant and can leap tall towers of toys in a single bound want to inspire the future of the world one child at a time

You know you're a nanny when the ripples of your daily work extend out for generations. 

How do you finish the sentence- You know I am a nanny because......

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